Where does it come from? How does it percolate its way to consciousness? And how does it win the endorsement of others? If we knew the answer to those three questions, we'd be perpetually creative. Maybe. After all, the mystics do know. The answer to all three is God the Father Almighty. Or Allah. Or Krishna. Or the mitochondria of collective consciousness. Or, or, or.
It turns out that it doesn't much matter. Whatever the answer, those entities always turn out to be fickle. So even if the mystic's answer is right, it still doesn't guarantee an endless flow of ideas. Sorry. There's no free lunch. No magic button. No sure-fire mantra. What did Edison say? Creativity is 3 parts inspiration and 97 parts perspiration. In other words, you have to sweat like a pig to be creative. That stinks. Literally. But such is life
Copyright 2009 Joe Anderson